Aniball Inco


  • $129.50

Aniball Inco is a medical device for women who suffer from uncontrollable leakage of urine, so - called stress incontinence . It is one of the effective aids for strengthening the pelvic floor . Weak muscles in this area can also cause many other problems, including gynecological problems or back or hip pain. Regular muscle exercise generally improves a woman's quality of life, sexual experience, fertility, postpartum regenerative processes and prevents, for example, lumbar spine pain, descent, painful menstruation and incontinence. Pelvic floor muscle training will help prevent stressful medical or surgical treatment of acute problems. Regular 15-minute exercise improves the problem over about 3 months.

Regular training of the pelvic floor muscles improves a woman's quality of life

  • improves the condition of the pelvic floor muscles
  • alleviates or eliminates incontinence problems
  • helps with proper posture and thus reduces back pain
  • strengthens muscles after childbirth
  • brings an improvement in sexual life


Detailed exercise instructions with the Aniball Inco aid are included in the package.

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