NICApur mediBalance PPI 30 capsules

NICApur mediBalance PPI 30 capsules


  • $56.50

Your Nutrients When Taking Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) 

Proton pump inhibitors, which reduce the production of gastric acid, are often used to treat stomach problems, but also to improve the tolerability of medication. Due to the associated pH shift, there can be disruptions in the absorption of micronutrients. Vitamin B12, vitamin C and D as well as folic acid and magnesium are particularly affected. As a result, an insufficient supply of these micronutrients is possible. 

  • With the mineral magnesium to maintain the electrolyte balance and for the normal function of muscles and nerves. Magnesium plays a role in the functioning of the psyche
  • The vitamins B12, B6, folic acid and vitamin C as well as the mineral iron help to reduce tiredness and fatigue
  • With vitamin D to maintain the functions of the immune system

Recommended dosage
Consume 1 capsule daily with plenty of liquid.

mediBalance® PPI is a dietary supplement with selected vitamins and minerals to supplement when taking proton pump inhibitors, which are used to reduce gastric acid production. Decreasing gastric acidity (due to “stomach protection” supplements) may affect micronutrient status.

The stated recommended daily intake must not be exceeded. No substitute for a varied diet. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.

Storage Store
at room temperature, dry and protected from light. Protect against heat. Keep out of reach of children. 

                                        Usually ships out within 3-4 days

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