Weleda Happy Skin Gift Set

Weleda Happy Skin Gift Set


  • $59.50

Birch body care works to prevent cellulite while helping to improve its condition. Regular use results in a healthy looking, smoother and firmer skin that feels soft to the touch. Birch as a known beautifying agent contributes to the detoxification of the body and skin. The extract full of active ingredients is obtained from young birch leaves from South Bohemia.

In the discounted package you will find:

  • Birch shower peeling 150 ml
  • Birch oil for cellulite 100 ml
  • Wooden massage brush Weleda

Birch shower peeling

Birch peeling smoothes and regenerates the skin of the whole body. Carnauba and beeswax pearls gently remove dead cells while vital ones are protected. After use, the skin is silky soft and smooth to the touch.

Our tip: apply peeling in combination with an alternating hot and cold shower that improves blood flow and activates important processes in the body.

Birch oil for cellulite

This effective oil delivers visible results: firming and smoothing the skin. Thanks to its unique combination of active substances, it significantly improves the condition of cellulite and also acts as a prevention of its formation. For greater effect add a massage with a wooden brush, which blood supply tissue and support the effect of birch products. 

Dermatological tests have shown the efficacy of the product: after 28 days of use, the skin has been firmed and smoothed by 21%.

Wooden massage brush Weleda

The effects of birch oil on cellulite are supported by massage with a wooden brush, which will blood supply the skin and support the effect of birch products. It is recommended to perform the massage in circular movements upwards to the heart.


To make your skin care really complex, it is ideal to supplement it with an internal cleansing cure with BIO Birch juice. After a detox cure the skin looks relaxed and healthy.
