Nutricius SyneSlim synephrine + carnitine 60 tablets -

Nutricius SyneSlim synephrine + carnitine 60 tablets


  • $43.50

Syneslim - is a preparation containing two active substances  SYNEFRIN and  L-KARNITIN TERTRAT.

Detailed product information

SYNEFRIN : It  is an alkaloid substance found in the pericarp (citrus aurantium). It is a legal  alternative to ephedrine , but it has no negative central effects like ephedrine. It is mainly used to  control body weight , because it causes "cold feeling" in the body (it only affects the receptors - you don't feel the winter). Thereby the body will produce more heat and consequently consume more energy from body fat. This  effect works not only during physical exercise, but also at rest.

L-CARNITIN TARTRAT: Chemical is a  substance very similar to amino acids and is commonly present in the human body.

Dosage: No physical load: 1 tbl. morning, 1 tbl. at noon (highest recommended daily dose) For physical exercise: 2 tbl 30min. before exercise (highest recommended daily dose). The maximum recommended dose of 2 tablets per day should not be exceeded. Do not use before bedtime. Drink liquid well enough. Do not exceed daily dosage.

Warning: Not suitable for children under 15, pregnant and nursing women. The product is not intended to replace a varied diet. Keep out of reach of small children. The manufacturer is not liable for damages caused by improper use or storage. Observe the recommended dosage.

Storage: Store Syneslim at room temperature up to 25 degrees. Protect from frost and direct sunlight. Keep dry and dark.

Ingredients: Active ingredients: L-carnitine tartrate - 200 mg per tablet, Syphrine - 5 mg per tablet

  • Contents: 120 tablets
  • Weight of content: 54g


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