Beaphar Nourishing Coat for Dogs Multi Vitamins L-Carnitine Drops 50 ml -

Beaphar Nourishing Coat for Dogs Multi Vitamins L-Carnitine Drops 50 ml


  • $33.50

Genuine Beaphar
Multi-vitamin and L-Carnitine
Nourishing Skin and Coat
For Dogs
Size: 50 ml Drops

A specially developed diet supplement to promote and improve the condition of the coat, stops hair loss, helps prevent itching.

 The lapel facilitates seasonal licking of the coat: the fur will be replaced faster, the new will grow healthy, strong and radiant. L-carnitine is very important for dog health, helps to strengthen the muscles and maintain a healthy heart. Method of use: Feed daily into feed or drinking water. Shake before use.

Product Composition:

Water, sugar, honey. Vit. E, B1, B2, B6, B12, pantothenic acid, nicotinamide, L-carnitine chloride. Moisture 84.7%, Gross Fat 13%, Coarse Protein 0.7%, Coarse Ash 0.03%

Recommended dosage:


Dog weight [kg] dose [ml] dose [drops] 
<2.5 0.19 5 
2.5 - 5 0.30 7 
5 - 10 0.5 11 
10 - 30 1 22 Alavis
30 - 80 2 44 
You can increase your daily dose up to three times. The increased dose may be given up to a maximum of 7 days!


Instructions for use:

Never feed the product directly into the dog's mouth. Always mix product with feed or drinking water.
