Figureform Burnout Stop 90 capsules

Figureform Burnout Stop 90 capsules

‎Figureform International

  • $77.50

Nutritional medicine with the elemental power of nature for the treatment of burnout syndrome, chronic exhaustion and stress-related diseases with metabolic disorders.

Burnout is a term that is spread in all media today. As an almost 'socially acceptable disease of civilization', it describes a persistent state of mental and emotional exhaustion that can end in total collapse. Even in advance, signs such as concentration and memory disorders, subdued mood up to depression or manifesting themselves in aggression, apathy and listlessness, reduced appetite, loss of libido, sleep disorders up to anxiety and panic attacks become noticeable, which should be taken very seriously. Psychosomatic illnesses and an increased tendency to addiction can also be harbingers of burnout. Burnout is no longer a manager's disease. Anyone who is exposed to great stress and strain for a long time can be affected: teachers, nursing professions, shift and social workers, women with multiple burdens, doctors, etc...

With its special formula of natural herbs, the preparation works against chronic overload and thus ensures restful deep sleep, creates mental clarity and presence, increases resilience, promotes serenity, inner peace and increases concentration. The Figureform BURNOUT STOP CAPSULES, which have already been tried and tested in practice, offer you an optimal side-effect-free® and individually dosable way to restore your life to general joie de vivre, body awareness and energy.

Recommended intake:

- Mild cases: 1 capsule in the morning, 2 capsules in the evening- Medium cases: 1 capsule in the morning, 1 capsule at noon, 2 capsules in the evening- Severe cases: 2 capsules in the morning, 2 capsules at noon, 2 capsules in

Ingredients per 100 g:

Rhodiola powder* 29.17 g, milk thistle fruit powder 29.17 g, pure vegetable capsule shell made of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose 16.67 g, clove powder 8.33 g, wormwood powder 8.33 g, cubeb fruit powder 4.17 g, calamus root powder 4.16 g.

1 capsule of Figureform® Burnout Stop contains:

Rhodiola powder* 175 mg, milk thistle fruit powder 175 mg, clove powder 50 mg, wormwood powder 50 mg, cubeb fruit powder 25 mg, calamus root powder 25 mg

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