Magister Doskar
Magister Doskar VET 9 heart and circulatory drops 50 ml
Magister Doskar VET 9 heart and circulatory drops 50 ml
Cardiovascular disorders occur both in the context of serious illnesses and as a result of old age. This combination of homeopathic medicines offers a special treatment option.
The requirement for a helpful remedy for cardiovascular weakness, where every strong drug effect represents an excessive demand and can often turn into the opposite, is well met by this compound drug with its mild support of the entire area. Experience has shown that prolonged use does not lead to a further weakening, but to a functional improvement and strengthening of the cardiovascular function.
Conventional conventional medicine and homeopathic remedies are not opposites. They can and must often be used in parallel as a supplement.
In the series of homeopathic combination remedies from Magister Doskar you will also find homeopathic drops especially for animals, which can bring lasting improvement to many of the ailments that occur in everyday life. Animals are soul beings and are much more directly at the mercy of their feelings than humans. Homeopathy can offer valuable support here.
The series of homeopathic combination remedies by Magister Doskar was developed together with the Graz doctor and homeopath Dr. Siegfried Wagner developed. If you have any questions, please contact your doctor, homeopath or pharmacist.
is known for its mild heart tonic effect, whereby it develops a very mild effect even on the easily excitable heart as a favorable accompanying therapy with digitalis medication in the sense of a reduction in excitability.
Camphora, camphor
has effects on the vasomotor center and the general tone of the vascular system, as well as on the terminal vascular system.
In this potentized form, Strophanthus gratus
contributes to strengthening the cardiovascular situation.
Prunus laurocerasus, the cherry laurel
, is effective in oxygen utilization, especially in congestion and cardiac insufficiency and thus intervenes in the mechanism of chronic undersupply of oxygen and all the resulting conditions.
Veratrum alb., white germ
begins with its effect where collapse states can occur as part of a circulatory weakness (e.g. in infectious diseases, poisoning and heart diseases).
The drugs mentioned and their drug pictures result in an activation of the self-healing tendency of the organism.
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