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Leros SPECIES NERVINAE PLANTA tea bags 20x1.5 g

Leros SPECIES NERVINAE PLANTA tea bags 20x1.5 g

Regular price $24.50
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Species nervinae Planta medicinal tea is used to soothe nervous exhaustion, irritability and tension , which may also manifest:

  • Changing irritability and fatigue
  • Headache
  • Concentration disorders
  • Slight insomnia disorders

Tea alleviates the digestive problems associated with these conditions. Its use is based solely on the experience of traditional use. It is intended for adults and adolescents from 12 years. Due to lack of data it is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.


Pour 1-2 řící l of boiling water over the infusion bags. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes in a covered container. Always make fresh tea immediately before use. Take 1 cup of tea ½ hour to 1 hour before bedtime. Adolescents under 40 kg drink 1 cup prepared from 1 infusion bag.

Use Species nervinae Planta for up to 6 weeks. If symptoms do not improve or worsen within 4 weeks of starting treatment, consult a doctor.


1 infusion bag (1.5 g) contains: mistletoe stem (Visci albi herba 0.6 g), St. John's wort (Hyperici herba 0.3 g), hawthorn leaf with flower (Crataegi folium cum flore 0.247 g), hawthorn fruit (Crataegi fructus 0,15 g), Equiseti horsetail (herba 0,113 g), Peppermint (Menthae pip. Herba 0,03 g), Melissae 0,03 g, Chamomile flower (Matricariae flos 0, 03 g).


The product may adversely affect activities requiring increased attention (driving, operating machinery, working at heights). You may only perform this activity 2 hours after ingestion.

Species nervinae Planta contains St. John's wort. St. John's wort may affect the effect of some concomitant medicines (eg hormonal contraceptives, warfarin and other medicines). It can also cause allergic skin reactions especially in sensitive persons, so avoid sources of UV radiation (sun, solariums).

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