NICApur Calcium 300 D - 60 capsules

NICApur Calcium 300 D - 60 capsules


  • $63.50

Your bone protection with coral calcium

Calcium is the fifth most common element in the earth's crust and is found in soil, rocks, water and living things. Fossil corals from strictly controlled mining areas are an ideal source of natural calcium. Calcium accounts for about one kilogram of an adult's body weight. The mineral has essential tasks in the body: it is needed to maintain bones and teeth, ensures that muscles and nerves function normally and has a regulating function in blood clotting. 

  • Natural calcium from fossil corals combined with vitamin D
  • Calcium is an essential mineral for the maintenance of bones and teeth and for the function of muscles and nerves
  • Calcium and vitamin D work closely together in the body and are needed to maintain bone metabolism

Recommended dosage
Consume 2 capsules daily with plenty of liquid.

Calcium 300 D is a dietary supplement with the mineral calcium from natural sources and vitamin D.

The stated recommended daily intake must not be exceeded. No substitute for a
varied diet. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.

Storage Store
at room temperature, dry and protected from light. 
Protect against heat. Keep out of reach of children. 

                                        Usually ships out within 3-4 days

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