NICApur Copper 60 capsules

NICApur Copper 60 capsules


  • $60.50

Copper - your iron transporter

Copper is a vital trace element that is necessary for many processes in the body. Copper provides antioxidant protection and is involved in pigmentation of skin and hair cells. However, copper is also of great importance for the transport of iron in the body. The trace elements are present in the body in precisely defined proportions. A long-term high intake of individual trace elements or the regular intake of certain medicines can throw the copper balance out of balance. 

  • Copper supports the normal functions of the immune and nervous systems
  • It contributes to the maintenance of connective tissue
  • Copper is involved in energy metabolism and is required for the transport of iron in the body

Recommended dosage
Consume 1 capsule daily with plenty of liquid.

Copper is a dietary supplement with the trace element copper to improve the supply.

The stated recommended daily intake must not be exceeded. No substitute for a varied diet. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.

Storage Store
at room temperature, dry and protected from light. Protect against heat. Keep out of reach of children. 

                                        Usually ships out within 3-4 days

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