NICApur mediBalance PILCO 30 capsules

NICApur mediBalance PILCO 30 capsules


  • $50.50

Your vitamin plus when taking the pill

Health, performance and well-being are important for young women who are in the middle of life. However, hormonal contraceptives can affect vitamin supply and thus well-being. Adequate intake of vitamin B6 and folic acid should be ensured, particularly if you have been using “the pill” for years and have an unbalanced diet. These vitamins are necessary in the metabolism to support mental functions and thus contribute to mental well-being. The use of "the pill" and other hormonal contraceptives such as a contraceptive ring, plaster, hormonal coil, implant or 3-month injection can reduce the vitamin B6 and folic acid levels in the body. Vitamins B6 and folic acid are important for the normal functioning of the psyche. In addition to vitamin B6 and folic acid, "the pill" also boosts the need for magnesium, zinc and vitamins B12, B2 and C. mediBalance® PILCO specifically supplies vitamins and minerals that are increasingly required by "the pill". The effect of mediBalance® PILCO was tested in a study on hormonal contraceptives. The 3-month use of mediBalance® PILCO increased the values ​​for the state of health and psychological well-being. At the same time, the supply of certain micronutrients improved, especially vitamin B6, which contributes to hormonal activity. There was an increase in serotonin. The effect of mediBalance® PILCO was tested in a study on hormonal contraceptives. The 3-month use of mediBalance® PILCO increased the values ​​for the state of health and psychological well-being. At the same time, the supply of certain micronutrients improved, especially vitamin B6, which contributes to hormonal activity. There was an increase in serotonin. The effect of mediBalance® PILCO was tested in a study on hormonal contraceptives. The 3-month use of mediBalance® PILCO increased the values ​​for the state of health and psychological well-being. At the same time, the supply of certain micronutrients improved, especially vitamin B6, which contributes to hormonal activity. There was an increase in serotonin.

  • Using “the pill” can reduce the levels of vitamin B6 and folic acid in the body. Vitamins B6 and folic acid are important for the normal functioning of the psyche
  • The mineral magnesium and vitamins C and B12 help reduce tiredness and fatigue
  • Vitamin B2 and the mineral zinc play a role in protecting cells from oxidative stress

Recommended dosage
Consume 1 capsule daily with plenty of liquid.

mediBalance® PILCO is a dietary supplement with selected vitamins and minerals to supplement when taking hormonal contraceptives (pill, contraceptive ring, patch, hormone coil, implant or 3-month injection) to maintain physical and mental well-being.

The stated recommended daily intake must not be exceeded. No substitute for a varied diet. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.

Storage Store
at room temperature, dry and protected from light. Protect against heat. Keep out of reach of children.

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