Cerascreen vitamin D test
Cerascreen vitamin D test
The cerascreen® Vitamin D Test is a home sample collection and submission kit. The test is used to determine the concentration of vitamin D in suspected vitamin D deficiency. The vitamin D test includes the evaluation of your sample in the diagnostics laboratory and a detailed report of the results.
Why test vitamin D? 82% of men and 91% of women in Germany take in too little vitamin D. This is the result of the current national consumption study, which was carried out on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Nutrition with more than 15,000 participants. Risk groups include young adults, the elderly and women. Studies link healthy vitamin D levels to, among other things, stable bones, strong muscles, mental fitness, the prevention of osteoporosis and athletic performance.
NEW: The test uses the modern dried blood method - you only have to put three drops of blood on a dried blood card with a small prick in your fingertip . This also means that the samples can be kept for a very long time.
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We know our customers. We have already analyzed over 100,000 of their medical self-tests. We have used this wealth of results and experience - and we still use it - to keep improving ourselves and our laboratory diagnostics.