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Savage Line Labs

Savage Line Labs MYO LGD 90 caps

Savage Line Labs MYO LGD 90 caps

Regular price $127.50
Regular price Sale price $127.50
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MyoLGD Pro is a powerful and effective Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) developed by Savage Line Labs. It offers numerous benefits essential for bodybuilders and serious athletes, such as increased muscle mass, fat loss, improved well-being, and enhanced libido. The active ingredient in MyoLGD Pro is predicted by researchers to potentially replace therapeutic hormone treatments due to its favorable cost-benefit ratio, delivering all the benefits with minimal risks.

Key Benefits:

  • Increased Muscle Mass: MyoLGD Pro is highly effective at promoting muscle growth, with users potentially seeing gains of 8-12 pounds in muscle mass during bulking cycles.
  • Fat Loss: Aids in reducing body fat while preserving lean muscle mass, making it ideal for cutting phases.
  • Enhanced Well-Being and Libido: Improves overall sense of well-being and increases libido.
  • Stackable: Versatile and can be effectively combined with other SARMs and Savage Line Labs products for various goals such as cutting, bulking, or recomposition.

Advanced Anabolic Activity:

  • MyoLGD Pro demonstrates advanced anabolic activity in muscle and bone while selectively targeting muscle and bone over the prostate and sebaceous glands.
  • When used in bulking, users may see significant size gains, depending on diet. Recommended dosage for bulking is 6-10 mg per day for 8 to 12 weeks.


  • MyoLGD Pro is effective for converting fat to muscle, often used in conjunction with other SARMs like MyoSTA PRO for enhanced recomposition results.
  • Recommended dosage for recomposition is 6-9 mg per day for 8 to 12 weeks.


  • For cutting cycles, MyoLGD Pro pairs well with Myosta Ostarine mk-2866.
  • Recommended dosage for cutting is 6-10 mg per day for 8 to 12 weeks, with results varying based on diet and exercise regimen.

Safety and Non-Toxicity:

  • Recent studies indicate that MyoLGD Pro is non-toxic, with suppression being dose-dependent but generally less severe than with anabolic steroids.
  • Users may see a decrease in total and free testosterone as well as SHBG, but no significant drop in LH or FSH. Recovery time is shorter compared to anabolic steroids.
  • No increase in estradiol was observed, but using an aromatase inhibitor and full cycle support like Savage PCT is recommended to maintain natural testosterone levels and liver health.

Conclusion: MyoLGD Pro offers anabolic steroid-like effects with size and strength gains, minimal side effects, and excellent potential for muscle preservation and recomposition. It works well alone or in combination with other SARMs and Savage Line Labs products, making it a valuable addition to any fitness regimen.

Dosage and Administration:

  • Bulking: 6-10 mg per day for 8 to 12 weeks.
  • Recomposition: 6-9 mg per day for 8 to 12 weeks.
  • Cutting: 6-10 mg per day for 8 to 12 weeks.
  • Each Bottle Contains: 90 capsules, with 10 mg per capsule.
  • Administration: Take daily, preferably with food to enhance absorption.
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