WePharm WeBiotic Fast Large Breed 30ml
WePharm WeBiotic Fast Large Breed 30ml
Strengthens the function of the digestive system. Nutraceutical for dogs and cats containing essential microorganisms, absorbents and other substances that aid normal digestion, especially in cases of diarrhea, gastrointestinal motility dysfunction, in case of changes in diet, in case of food poisoning, diseases of the digestive system, hepyrparasitism and in pharmacological treatment, which disrupts the intestinal bacterial flora. WeBiotic® Fast provides a combination of adsorbents, probiotics, prebiotics and immunostimulants. It supports the function of the digestive system with maximum efficiency and protection.
Kaolin 187.5 g, Bentonite 25 g, Pectin 50 g, FOS (Fructooligosaccharides) 15.83 g, Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) 2.12 g, Enterococcus Faecium 30 g (1.05x109 UFC / g).
4 ml of WeBiotic Fast per 10 kg body weight once daily for 3 days.